Information about the republic of Chile.

The Conquest of Chile

Ocuppation of the Chilean Territory

For the conqueror Pedro de Valdivivia; with his army settled in Santiago, after successful consecutive battles, some of them towards the north, where he founded La Serena city (1544), and then, towards the south, meant an ocupation of a vast territory, and simultaneously the possibility of founding several important cities as Concepción (1550) and Valdivia (1552).

The Arauco War

With a huge part of Chile already occupied, Valdivia, even though, he knew about the strong resistance of the natural inhabitants in the southern region, persisted in his desire of acquiring sovereignty beyond the Bío-Bío river. While confronting the chilean aborigines under the leadership of Caupolicán and Lautaro, he lost his life.
These magnificient warriors, battling against a superior military force, gave a clear demonstration, that the audacity and extreme braveness were sufficient weapons for not being appeased, forcing the hispanics to a continuous struggle that lasted almost three hundred years: The Arauco War. Continues: The colony.

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