Information about the republic of Chile.

Northern Zone of Chile

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We pages creation guide. Paposo, fishermen cove. Paranal, international astronomic observatory. City and port of Antofagasta. Baquedano, rail station in a saltpetre village. Aguas Blancas, old saltpetre village. Tocoao river basin. Alto del Carmen, in the Atacama desert. Pueblo portuario de Mejillones. The Moon Valley in Atacama ancient salt fields. San Pedro de Atacama, archeological village. Tatio, geysers in Chile. Chuquicamata, mining village. Saltpetre office in María Helena. Port of  Tocopilla.  Quillagua oasis. Community of Ollagûe. Loa river in the north of Chile. Valley of  Pica. La Tirana, the Del Carmen Virgin village. Community of Pozo Almonte. Iquique chilean city and port. Municipality of Huara. Community of Colchane. Valley of Camiña. The flag of the chilean republic. Pan-American Highway. The Azapa valley. Arica,the light city. Socoroma, in the XV region of Chile. Village of Putre. Parinacota, village in the north of Chile. Visviri, last village to the north. La Escondida, the biggest mine of the world. Calama, ciudad minera de Chile.